Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weight Loss With little to no Exercise

Apples are an all-American success story-each ...Image via Wikipedia
Is it possible to lose weight without exercising?
That is what I thought when I was told that exercising is not necessary on the HCG diet protocol. It doesn't hurt to do a little cardio here and there but weight lifting is a no no. I'm worried I might get lazy after the diet ends and that it'll be a mission to get back into a weight lifting routine. It makes sense why I'm not suppose to workout, eating 500-700 daily calories aint a lot of food, but the fat being released by the HCG  supplies the body with enough calories to survive.
There are thousands of people out there that can attest to losing weight with little to no exercise while on the HCG diet. At first I too found it hard to believe until I started the diet. With all hope soon I will upload a few before and after pictures. If I can manage to sort through the madness today I should get a few things done.
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Friday, October 1, 2010

Permanent Weight Loss?

After writing an article for Hubpages titled "Permanent Weight Loss Made Easy" and figured I would write a small post here about it. With my experience with weight loss, gaining the weight back and reading articles online this question always tends to surface. Is it possible to achieve permanent lifelong weight loss success? I don’t want to lose all this weight only to have it return when I get older. I have been over weight for so long that from the day I end my diet after reaching my weight loss goal until the day I die I want to be skinny.
LégumesImage via Wikipedia

So is it possible to have lifelong permanent weight loss success? Of course, it is possible! It is all about spending the rest of your life taking proper care of yourself. Prayer, exercise, and proper nutrition are the key. Of course, there are many factors as to how someone becomes obese. Binge eating disorders, and emotional eating disorders are some of the main causes of obesity. However, what we Christians need to remember is that our enemy the spirit of satan is the one attacking us with all of those disorders and sicknesses. When we pray we need to rebuke the spirit of satan in JESUS Name. I suffered from them for many years, until I gave my body, soul and spirit in JESUS Name to YAHVEH my loving GOD and FATHER. 

I have learned that prayer is the only way to have the strength needed for the hard long road of extreme weight loss. 

I have learned that we eat factory-farmed cheese, meat, milk, refined grains, and sweeteners that are harmful. Somehow, man has taken the natural and made it unnatural. Scientist have artificially made protein, carbohydrates and sugars in labs around the world attempting to mass produce or food in order to make a bigger profit. Nevertheless, they still fail to reproduce an exact copy. 

Their physical appearances are greatly different. 

Our lack of patience for the harvest season has turned us to science to create what we want and need.

This tells me that obesity is not natural or genetic but a sickness. 

Genetically engineered beef, chicken, pork, corn, sugar, and many others are hurting us more than helping. America has become a nation of obesity, I imagine the slogan going something like this, send us your malnourished and we will obese them with harmful chemicals of malnutrition, i.e., we will make them fat and sick. We have pioneered the way with our super advanced science of chemical engineering and preservative adding techniques.
TomatoImage via Wikipedia

I know it gets difficult budgeting your time, but grabbing a burger every day from the dollar menu at your favorite fast food joint is avoidable. Pack a lunch or buy some fruit or vegetables from the grocery store on your lunch break. A level of behavioral modification needs to be done in our lives when it comes to our nutrition and health. Try to avoid eating the chemicals that are preserving you for an early grave.

I wish I had learned this earlier in my life.

Money does buy malnutrition.


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My First Mobile Post...Cool Beans!

My first mobile post. This is pretty cool! Wow technology has come a long way. This will help me with posting more often. It will be interesting to see how this turns out, I hope I do not forget about this. Well got to get back to work, i got a few articles and posts to finish up. Consistency is the key, it is something that I will learn with time. Hopefully I will have one or two things done before the Sabbath begins.
       YAH Bless
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My Fast Weight Loss Using HCG

Hazaa I think of I have figured it out! For some reason it has left me stumped as to what it is I want to do. For instance, I spent most of the day thinking of what to post about so I just grabbed the old netbook and just let it flow.

So far, the diet is going well, I have lost a grand total of 56 pounds and still counting. This HCG diet protocol gets ruff sometimes, but it helps one to learn some self-control when eating and with the foods I eat. I have been traveling down the road of weight loss for many years now, and by far this diet is the best and hardest I have experienced. With a story as unique as mines, I know many; possibly millions of people have had a similar experience. As I stated before my goal is to share my story and struggle with weight loss so that I may help those that suffer under the same hand.

I learned the hard that there are no magic pills, shakes, drinks, or foods out there for weight loss or fat burning. Sorry people but there are no such thing and if there was, I am sure it would cost a boatload of cash. This diet program is not for the faint at heart, a great degree of self-discipline and determination is needed in order to reach your weight loss goals. It has brought me to the breaking point of not giving up but of giving in. Giving in to the temptation of eating a big juicy burger or New York style slice of Hawaiian pizza, and I have not. Nevertheless, the fight must go on!

Never give up never surrender!

A little bit about what the HCG Diet Protocol does:
What the HCG diet program does is target your abnormal fat. Abnormal fat? Yes abnormal fat, it is the surface layer of fat under your skin. It is the excess or stored fat that is unwanted, unsightly (to some people), and dangerous. The HCG diet protocol targets this stored fat for burning and releasing out of the body. Unlike with other diet programs out there, the majority of weight lost is from lean body mass and good fat reserves and these two are important for having a healthy body.

The human body has three types of fat:
1Structural fat This type of fat is necessary in the giving of support to all the organs
2) Normal fat – Fat that is stored as a reserve of fuel, used when the intestinal tract’s supply of nutrients is insufficient
3) Excess/Stored fat - unwanted, unsightly, and dangerous
For some reason men typically see quicker results than women do. Another thing is exercise is optional; the reason for this is that too much exercise can cause a negative effect on your weight loss. When I was told this I rather freaked out, I don’t want to lose all the muscle I have built in the last two years. To believe it was almost a deal breaker for me. After speaking with the clinic and reading the booklet they gave me, I felt much better. Because Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) used along with the low calorie diet, it prevents the consumption of your muscles. Awesome!

A minimal amount of cardio can be included to help with your weight loss, but remember a little too much can hurt your results. I do anywhere from 15to 30 minutes of light cardio. What I do is walk a few blocks to the grocery store, walk around the mall window-shopping, and sometimes I go for a swim at the beach. That’s just a couple of exercise that I do that’s not too heavy on my system, but you get the idea.  Light and simple, just keep it light and simple.

I began my journey with the goal in mind for permanently getting rid of my stored fat. My fat burning journey officially began again on July 27 2010 with the 60 day HCG Diet Protocol by the A New Me weight loss clinic here in Miami Florida. I opted for the injection plan where I inject myself with two injections once a day in the morning. The first injection is 15 units of the HCG, injected anywhere on the body whether it be inter muscular or into the fatty tissue. The second injection is 50 units of B-12, injected anywhere in the body.

At first, I was a little hesitant injecting myself but at the same time, I was excited. 

Until next time, Shalom.

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The Beginning Of My Weight Loss With HCG

When I first singed up I was not too sure as to how I should begin my weight loss success blog. I have the idea of the purpose for my writing but I am a bit lost for words. My desire is to share and document the last round of my fight against obesity, I have wanted to do this for a long time now and today I am officially beginning the recording of the last weeks of my fat burning diet before I am a new me. My goal was to lose 280 pounds without weight loss surgery, and its been three years now since I first began. It has been a long hard road for me and I know for a lot of you as well. So here is my blog for hope, inspiration, support and love. 

Before I begin heres my plan that I hope works out. :-)

The plan is to document each day, i.e., every other day, on:
  • My blog (here)
  • YouTube 
  • Google Video
  • Vemio
  • Other popular social networks
  • Facebook 
  • Hubpages 
With all hope, I will develop the discipline for getting even a small amount of work done each day. Consistency is the key, I know this, but the thing is to learn how to be a consistent person. Growing up my daily teachings did not include the necessary skills for the development of discipline. 
    The discipline needed for learning new things, and for the changing and growing as a person. Patience, consistency, determination and discipline are some of the most important skills every one needs to have in life, and like many they where my weaknesses. My Achilles heel, and since I have been able to recognize this in myself; the last few years have been a work in progress for me to correct them. It is hard changing especially  knowing its not what I am used to, but it needs to be done. 
But for me the change is necessary, I have to stop dreaming about being more patient for what I want, as well as dreaming about being consistent in doing good and staying motivated. Dreaming of having determination to go after what I dream of, also dreaming of having the discipline to improve on who I am. It is a good thing to dream that way you can have an idea about what it is you want. At the same time, it gives you the ideas as to how to reach your goals, but the thing is not to let the easy part of dreaming take control of you.        
     You see I am a dreamer, I always dream, i.e., I let it take control of my time, imagining myself achieving any goals I may have an interest in at the particular moment or season. Allow me to explain a little bit about what I mean, this time last year my dream was to learn C++ so that I may be able to write games and apps for the iPhone. For a few weeks, I attempted to learn the Python and C++ programing languages, until another dream developed and new season began. 

Another project will not be set aside to collect dust, I do not want to dream any more, it has exhausted me over years and I am very tired. So now, I am taking the first step for the changing of whom I am, and my goal is to be more outgoing and persistent in achieving the dream I have dreamt since my youth.  
For as far back as I can remember I have dreamt of being skinny or as I see it normal. Growing up with a large family and many friends, I saw them do many things that I wish I were able to do. It was the small things too, the things that they took for granted. Things like roller blading, swimming at the beach without a shirt, swimming under water without having their fat force them to float to the top, riding roller coasters and running are just a few of the normal activities I missed out on. However, things are going to change soon, I will get to experience the freedom I have been dreaming of having, it has been a long and strenuous journey, and soon I will be reaching the end of it.

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My Chill Spot Headline Animator

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weight Loss With little to no Exercise

Apples are an all-American success story-each ...Image via Wikipedia
Is it possible to lose weight without exercising?
That is what I thought when I was told that exercising is not necessary on the HCG diet protocol. It doesn't hurt to do a little cardio here and there but weight lifting is a no no. I'm worried I might get lazy after the diet ends and that it'll be a mission to get back into a weight lifting routine. It makes sense why I'm not suppose to workout, eating 500-700 daily calories aint a lot of food, but the fat being released by the HCG  supplies the body with enough calories to survive.
There are thousands of people out there that can attest to losing weight with little to no exercise while on the HCG diet. At first I too found it hard to believe until I started the diet. With all hope soon I will upload a few before and after pictures. If I can manage to sort through the madness today I should get a few things done.
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Friday, October 1, 2010

Permanent Weight Loss?

After writing an article for Hubpages titled "Permanent Weight Loss Made Easy" and figured I would write a small post here about it. With my experience with weight loss, gaining the weight back and reading articles online this question always tends to surface. Is it possible to achieve permanent lifelong weight loss success? I don’t want to lose all this weight only to have it return when I get older. I have been over weight for so long that from the day I end my diet after reaching my weight loss goal until the day I die I want to be skinny.
LégumesImage via Wikipedia

So is it possible to have lifelong permanent weight loss success? Of course, it is possible! It is all about spending the rest of your life taking proper care of yourself. Prayer, exercise, and proper nutrition are the key. Of course, there are many factors as to how someone becomes obese. Binge eating disorders, and emotional eating disorders are some of the main causes of obesity. However, what we Christians need to remember is that our enemy the spirit of satan is the one attacking us with all of those disorders and sicknesses. When we pray we need to rebuke the spirit of satan in JESUS Name. I suffered from them for many years, until I gave my body, soul and spirit in JESUS Name to YAHVEH my loving GOD and FATHER. 

I have learned that prayer is the only way to have the strength needed for the hard long road of extreme weight loss. 

I have learned that we eat factory-farmed cheese, meat, milk, refined grains, and sweeteners that are harmful. Somehow, man has taken the natural and made it unnatural. Scientist have artificially made protein, carbohydrates and sugars in labs around the world attempting to mass produce or food in order to make a bigger profit. Nevertheless, they still fail to reproduce an exact copy. 

Their physical appearances are greatly different. 

Our lack of patience for the harvest season has turned us to science to create what we want and need.

This tells me that obesity is not natural or genetic but a sickness. 

Genetically engineered beef, chicken, pork, corn, sugar, and many others are hurting us more than helping. America has become a nation of obesity, I imagine the slogan going something like this, send us your malnourished and we will obese them with harmful chemicals of malnutrition, i.e., we will make them fat and sick. We have pioneered the way with our super advanced science of chemical engineering and preservative adding techniques.
TomatoImage via Wikipedia

I know it gets difficult budgeting your time, but grabbing a burger every day from the dollar menu at your favorite fast food joint is avoidable. Pack a lunch or buy some fruit or vegetables from the grocery store on your lunch break. A level of behavioral modification needs to be done in our lives when it comes to our nutrition and health. Try to avoid eating the chemicals that are preserving you for an early grave.

I wish I had learned this earlier in my life.

Money does buy malnutrition.


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My First Mobile Post...Cool Beans!

My first mobile post. This is pretty cool! Wow technology has come a long way. This will help me with posting more often. It will be interesting to see how this turns out, I hope I do not forget about this. Well got to get back to work, i got a few articles and posts to finish up. Consistency is the key, it is something that I will learn with time. Hopefully I will have one or two things done before the Sabbath begins.
       YAH Bless
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My Fast Weight Loss Using HCG

Hazaa I think of I have figured it out! For some reason it has left me stumped as to what it is I want to do. For instance, I spent most of the day thinking of what to post about so I just grabbed the old netbook and just let it flow.

So far, the diet is going well, I have lost a grand total of 56 pounds and still counting. This HCG diet protocol gets ruff sometimes, but it helps one to learn some self-control when eating and with the foods I eat. I have been traveling down the road of weight loss for many years now, and by far this diet is the best and hardest I have experienced. With a story as unique as mines, I know many; possibly millions of people have had a similar experience. As I stated before my goal is to share my story and struggle with weight loss so that I may help those that suffer under the same hand.

I learned the hard that there are no magic pills, shakes, drinks, or foods out there for weight loss or fat burning. Sorry people but there are no such thing and if there was, I am sure it would cost a boatload of cash. This diet program is not for the faint at heart, a great degree of self-discipline and determination is needed in order to reach your weight loss goals. It has brought me to the breaking point of not giving up but of giving in. Giving in to the temptation of eating a big juicy burger or New York style slice of Hawaiian pizza, and I have not. Nevertheless, the fight must go on!

Never give up never surrender!

A little bit about what the HCG Diet Protocol does:
What the HCG diet program does is target your abnormal fat. Abnormal fat? Yes abnormal fat, it is the surface layer of fat under your skin. It is the excess or stored fat that is unwanted, unsightly (to some people), and dangerous. The HCG diet protocol targets this stored fat for burning and releasing out of the body. Unlike with other diet programs out there, the majority of weight lost is from lean body mass and good fat reserves and these two are important for having a healthy body.

The human body has three types of fat:
1Structural fat This type of fat is necessary in the giving of support to all the organs
2) Normal fat – Fat that is stored as a reserve of fuel, used when the intestinal tract’s supply of nutrients is insufficient
3) Excess/Stored fat - unwanted, unsightly, and dangerous
For some reason men typically see quicker results than women do. Another thing is exercise is optional; the reason for this is that too much exercise can cause a negative effect on your weight loss. When I was told this I rather freaked out, I don’t want to lose all the muscle I have built in the last two years. To believe it was almost a deal breaker for me. After speaking with the clinic and reading the booklet they gave me, I felt much better. Because Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) used along with the low calorie diet, it prevents the consumption of your muscles. Awesome!

A minimal amount of cardio can be included to help with your weight loss, but remember a little too much can hurt your results. I do anywhere from 15to 30 minutes of light cardio. What I do is walk a few blocks to the grocery store, walk around the mall window-shopping, and sometimes I go for a swim at the beach. That’s just a couple of exercise that I do that’s not too heavy on my system, but you get the idea.  Light and simple, just keep it light and simple.

I began my journey with the goal in mind for permanently getting rid of my stored fat. My fat burning journey officially began again on July 27 2010 with the 60 day HCG Diet Protocol by the A New Me weight loss clinic here in Miami Florida. I opted for the injection plan where I inject myself with two injections once a day in the morning. The first injection is 15 units of the HCG, injected anywhere on the body whether it be inter muscular or into the fatty tissue. The second injection is 50 units of B-12, injected anywhere in the body.

At first, I was a little hesitant injecting myself but at the same time, I was excited. 

Until next time, Shalom.

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The Beginning Of My Weight Loss With HCG

When I first singed up I was not too sure as to how I should begin my weight loss success blog. I have the idea of the purpose for my writing but I am a bit lost for words. My desire is to share and document the last round of my fight against obesity, I have wanted to do this for a long time now and today I am officially beginning the recording of the last weeks of my fat burning diet before I am a new me. My goal was to lose 280 pounds without weight loss surgery, and its been three years now since I first began. It has been a long hard road for me and I know for a lot of you as well. So here is my blog for hope, inspiration, support and love. 

Before I begin heres my plan that I hope works out. :-)

The plan is to document each day, i.e., every other day, on:
  • My blog (here)
  • YouTube 
  • Google Video
  • Vemio
  • Other popular social networks
  • Facebook 
  • Hubpages 
With all hope, I will develop the discipline for getting even a small amount of work done each day. Consistency is the key, I know this, but the thing is to learn how to be a consistent person. Growing up my daily teachings did not include the necessary skills for the development of discipline. 
    The discipline needed for learning new things, and for the changing and growing as a person. Patience, consistency, determination and discipline are some of the most important skills every one needs to have in life, and like many they where my weaknesses. My Achilles heel, and since I have been able to recognize this in myself; the last few years have been a work in progress for me to correct them. It is hard changing especially  knowing its not what I am used to, but it needs to be done. 
But for me the change is necessary, I have to stop dreaming about being more patient for what I want, as well as dreaming about being consistent in doing good and staying motivated. Dreaming of having determination to go after what I dream of, also dreaming of having the discipline to improve on who I am. It is a good thing to dream that way you can have an idea about what it is you want. At the same time, it gives you the ideas as to how to reach your goals, but the thing is not to let the easy part of dreaming take control of you.        
     You see I am a dreamer, I always dream, i.e., I let it take control of my time, imagining myself achieving any goals I may have an interest in at the particular moment or season. Allow me to explain a little bit about what I mean, this time last year my dream was to learn C++ so that I may be able to write games and apps for the iPhone. For a few weeks, I attempted to learn the Python and C++ programing languages, until another dream developed and new season began. 

Another project will not be set aside to collect dust, I do not want to dream any more, it has exhausted me over years and I am very tired. So now, I am taking the first step for the changing of whom I am, and my goal is to be more outgoing and persistent in achieving the dream I have dreamt since my youth.  
For as far back as I can remember I have dreamt of being skinny or as I see it normal. Growing up with a large family and many friends, I saw them do many things that I wish I were able to do. It was the small things too, the things that they took for granted. Things like roller blading, swimming at the beach without a shirt, swimming under water without having their fat force them to float to the top, riding roller coasters and running are just a few of the normal activities I missed out on. However, things are going to change soon, I will get to experience the freedom I have been dreaming of having, it has been a long and strenuous journey, and soon I will be reaching the end of it.

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