Friday, October 1, 2010

My Fast Weight Loss Using HCG

Hazaa I think of I have figured it out! For some reason it has left me stumped as to what it is I want to do. For instance, I spent most of the day thinking of what to post about so I just grabbed the old netbook and just let it flow.

So far, the diet is going well, I have lost a grand total of 56 pounds and still counting. This HCG diet protocol gets ruff sometimes, but it helps one to learn some self-control when eating and with the foods I eat. I have been traveling down the road of weight loss for many years now, and by far this diet is the best and hardest I have experienced. With a story as unique as mines, I know many; possibly millions of people have had a similar experience. As I stated before my goal is to share my story and struggle with weight loss so that I may help those that suffer under the same hand.

I learned the hard that there are no magic pills, shakes, drinks, or foods out there for weight loss or fat burning. Sorry people but there are no such thing and if there was, I am sure it would cost a boatload of cash. This diet program is not for the faint at heart, a great degree of self-discipline and determination is needed in order to reach your weight loss goals. It has brought me to the breaking point of not giving up but of giving in. Giving in to the temptation of eating a big juicy burger or New York style slice of Hawaiian pizza, and I have not. Nevertheless, the fight must go on!

Never give up never surrender!

A little bit about what the HCG Diet Protocol does:
What the HCG diet program does is target your abnormal fat. Abnormal fat? Yes abnormal fat, it is the surface layer of fat under your skin. It is the excess or stored fat that is unwanted, unsightly (to some people), and dangerous. The HCG diet protocol targets this stored fat for burning and releasing out of the body. Unlike with other diet programs out there, the majority of weight lost is from lean body mass and good fat reserves and these two are important for having a healthy body.

The human body has three types of fat:
1Structural fat This type of fat is necessary in the giving of support to all the organs
2) Normal fat – Fat that is stored as a reserve of fuel, used when the intestinal tract’s supply of nutrients is insufficient
3) Excess/Stored fat - unwanted, unsightly, and dangerous
For some reason men typically see quicker results than women do. Another thing is exercise is optional; the reason for this is that too much exercise can cause a negative effect on your weight loss. When I was told this I rather freaked out, I don’t want to lose all the muscle I have built in the last two years. To believe it was almost a deal breaker for me. After speaking with the clinic and reading the booklet they gave me, I felt much better. Because Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) used along with the low calorie diet, it prevents the consumption of your muscles. Awesome!

A minimal amount of cardio can be included to help with your weight loss, but remember a little too much can hurt your results. I do anywhere from 15to 30 minutes of light cardio. What I do is walk a few blocks to the grocery store, walk around the mall window-shopping, and sometimes I go for a swim at the beach. That’s just a couple of exercise that I do that’s not too heavy on my system, but you get the idea.  Light and simple, just keep it light and simple.

I began my journey with the goal in mind for permanently getting rid of my stored fat. My fat burning journey officially began again on July 27 2010 with the 60 day HCG Diet Protocol by the A New Me weight loss clinic here in Miami Florida. I opted for the injection plan where I inject myself with two injections once a day in the morning. The first injection is 15 units of the HCG, injected anywhere on the body whether it be inter muscular or into the fatty tissue. The second injection is 50 units of B-12, injected anywhere in the body.

At first, I was a little hesitant injecting myself but at the same time, I was excited. 

Until next time, Shalom.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

My Fast Weight Loss Using HCG

Hazaa I think of I have figured it out! For some reason it has left me stumped as to what it is I want to do. For instance, I spent most of the day thinking of what to post about so I just grabbed the old netbook and just let it flow.

So far, the diet is going well, I have lost a grand total of 56 pounds and still counting. This HCG diet protocol gets ruff sometimes, but it helps one to learn some self-control when eating and with the foods I eat. I have been traveling down the road of weight loss for many years now, and by far this diet is the best and hardest I have experienced. With a story as unique as mines, I know many; possibly millions of people have had a similar experience. As I stated before my goal is to share my story and struggle with weight loss so that I may help those that suffer under the same hand.

I learned the hard that there are no magic pills, shakes, drinks, or foods out there for weight loss or fat burning. Sorry people but there are no such thing and if there was, I am sure it would cost a boatload of cash. This diet program is not for the faint at heart, a great degree of self-discipline and determination is needed in order to reach your weight loss goals. It has brought me to the breaking point of not giving up but of giving in. Giving in to the temptation of eating a big juicy burger or New York style slice of Hawaiian pizza, and I have not. Nevertheless, the fight must go on!

Never give up never surrender!

A little bit about what the HCG Diet Protocol does:
What the HCG diet program does is target your abnormal fat. Abnormal fat? Yes abnormal fat, it is the surface layer of fat under your skin. It is the excess or stored fat that is unwanted, unsightly (to some people), and dangerous. The HCG diet protocol targets this stored fat for burning and releasing out of the body. Unlike with other diet programs out there, the majority of weight lost is from lean body mass and good fat reserves and these two are important for having a healthy body.

The human body has three types of fat:
1Structural fat This type of fat is necessary in the giving of support to all the organs
2) Normal fat – Fat that is stored as a reserve of fuel, used when the intestinal tract’s supply of nutrients is insufficient
3) Excess/Stored fat - unwanted, unsightly, and dangerous
For some reason men typically see quicker results than women do. Another thing is exercise is optional; the reason for this is that too much exercise can cause a negative effect on your weight loss. When I was told this I rather freaked out, I don’t want to lose all the muscle I have built in the last two years. To believe it was almost a deal breaker for me. After speaking with the clinic and reading the booklet they gave me, I felt much better. Because Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) used along with the low calorie diet, it prevents the consumption of your muscles. Awesome!

A minimal amount of cardio can be included to help with your weight loss, but remember a little too much can hurt your results. I do anywhere from 15to 30 minutes of light cardio. What I do is walk a few blocks to the grocery store, walk around the mall window-shopping, and sometimes I go for a swim at the beach. That’s just a couple of exercise that I do that’s not too heavy on my system, but you get the idea.  Light and simple, just keep it light and simple.

I began my journey with the goal in mind for permanently getting rid of my stored fat. My fat burning journey officially began again on July 27 2010 with the 60 day HCG Diet Protocol by the A New Me weight loss clinic here in Miami Florida. I opted for the injection plan where I inject myself with two injections once a day in the morning. The first injection is 15 units of the HCG, injected anywhere on the body whether it be inter muscular or into the fatty tissue. The second injection is 50 units of B-12, injected anywhere in the body.

At first, I was a little hesitant injecting myself but at the same time, I was excited. 

Until next time, Shalom.

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